As an online Entrepreneur, you set up shop, create a beautiful website, amazing images, great pricing, organize your sales taxes and shipping options and you launch. You sit back and wait to wake up the next day with 1000 orders of your most wonderful teddy bear with cool converse shoes that you personally design and manufacture. One day. Two days. You check your analytics: 5 visitors in total. No sales. Sounds familiar? Don’t despair. Now the work of the Online Entrepreneur begins.
An efficient eCommerce sales strategy is as crucial for Online Entrepreneurs as it is for the salesman selling the same teddy bears you sell in his physical store, unfortunately this is not given the importance required. Sales is a numbers game. Online, this means visitors, traffic. The article below goes through the 5 most effective ways to drive traffic to your site:
- Calls to Action
- Content Categories
- Recent and/or Popular Posts
- Social Sharing
- Search
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