Running a business is hard! You need to care for your clients, your employees, your cash flow, your product, your services!
Why worry about servers, websites, code, eCommerce and vendors too!
If your technological needs are not specifically listed here, drop us a line and let’s chat, we’ll find you a solution!
Full stack development – eCommerce – WordPress – Drupal – Java – You name it. We’ll do it so you don’t have to.
We’ll manage your IT vendors from A to Z. LMS, Online Accounting, eCommerce, Mobile, Gamification. Don’t be taken for a ride. Big words and buzz words can be intimidating but in the end you just want it to work. We’ll look out for your needs as if it was our own business (your business IS our business).
Strategy – Prototyping – Development.
It’s all about making it work on mobile devices. YES they are different platforms, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. We’ll help you find the best approach, develop a plan and get it done.
Let’s find the path to get you on subscription mode without huge expensive infrastructure. There’s a way, we know.
Networks fail. Printers don’t print. Computers get viruses, get slow and it’s frustrating and it’s as fun as having a flat tire. Don’t wait for it to happen. Get one of our support packages and we’ll be there to get you going when you need to. We have BUSINESS and HOME packages!
All this data about everything is stored somewhere. We can structure and help you find the right database solution, structure, fix, optimize and streamline it. Not only that, we will help your data be accessible and be ready to be used. You’re still dealing with Excel and thousands of rows? There’s a better way! Programming, Reporting, Analytics. We can do it so you don’t have to. Ah yeah, you’ve heard of “big data”, we’ll handle that buzzword for you too.
You got a goal. You got a timeline. Implementations, Development, Integrations. We’ll handle it for you.
COBOL, BASIC, PASCAL, ASSEMBLER, C, .. We know there’s much at stake. We know you can’t just go for the fanciest technology in town, you got a business to run. We’ll help you keep it going.
Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, G+, All that. Let’s get you set up, let’s plan a way to get you out there and let’s do it.